Two of the Nordics' largest distributors, Deltaco and Aurora Group, both owned by DistIT AB, have until now operated in parallel with a focus on various main Nordic markets. These two companies are now merging to form the new company Aurdel.
The purpose of the merger of the two DistIT-owned companies is to create a new, stronger company with an expanded range as well as smarter service offerings and logistics solutions. In total, Aurdel offers over 30,000 products, including own brands such as DELTACO and L33T Gaming. Among Aurdel's B2C and B2B customers are several major retailers such as Elgiganten, Dustin, Komplett and Media Markt. Sales take place both in physical stores and in digital channels, such as e-tailers and other digital marketplaces.
”We foresee that we have everything to gain by merging these two large Nordic players. In addition to scalability, it means a common supply and warehouse, smart logistics solutions and an enormous competence that is now being gathered. In this way, we can reach more customers and create even better, faster and smoother customer experiences as well as technical solutions around the Nordics and also in the Baltics”, says Martin Gutberg, CEO at Aurdel.
With Aurdel, DistIT increases its market share in the Nordic market significantly. In 2021, Deltaco and Aurora had a combined turnover of approximately €187m over Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the Baltic States.
Martin Gutberg continues: ”Aurdel will be a good platform for growing organically and we are at the same time well equipped to meet the market fluctuations. We have the capacity and conditions to help various customers with several different types of problems in a simple way. With Aurdel, we will be an incredibly strong player.”
Right from the start, Aurdel will offer existing and new customers greater value in the form of improved customer experience, faster service, and smarter logistics solutions. Through a combined product range, a better business system and a common warehouse, the ambition is to eventually grow to become the market-leading business partner in Europe, with a particular focus on the Nordics and the Baltics.